How To Start Changing Your Last Name

How To Start Changing Your Last Name – This article was written by Clinton M. Sandvick, JD, PhD. Clinton M. Sandwick has practiced as a civil litigation attorney in California for over seven years. He received his BA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1998 and his PhD in American History from the University of Oregon in 2013.

This article cites 17 references, listed at the bottom of the page.

How To Start Changing Your Last Name

How To Start Changing Your Last Name

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Free Missouri Name Change Forms

Whether you’re getting married or need a new identity, changing your name can seem like a daunting process. Luckily, all you need is some paper.

This article was written by Clinton M. Sandvick, JD, PhD. Clinton M. Sandwick has practiced as a civil litigation attorney in California for over seven years. He received his BA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1998 and his PhD in American History from the University of Oregon in 2013. This article has been viewed 2,234,514 times.

If you change your name after you get married, be sure to include your new name on your marriage certificate. Then bring your marriage certificate, birth certificate, and photo ID to your local Social Security Office. Your new Social Security card will arrive within 10 days of processing. You can then visit your local DMV to change the name on your ID. Keep reading to learn how to change your name for other reasons. There are many things to consider when changing your surname after marriage. Of course, it may feel like it’s a big life decision and one that requires time and thought. There is also a lot of care involved in paperwork and notifying people of name changes.

If you decide you want to change your name after marriage, one of the tasks on your post-marriage checklist will be knowing when and how to start the name change process.

Statutory Declaration Of Name Change

Whether you take your partner’s name, keep your own surname or use a combination of both of your surnames, there are many options to consider when changing your name after marriage.

To find out everything you need to know about changing your name after marriage, we spoke to Cecile Mazuet-Eller, founder and CEO of NameSwitch.

Check out our complete guide to everything you need to know about changing your name after marriage, from emotional considerations to legal practices.

How To Start Changing Your Last Name

Note: This information is current as of March 2024. Check the website for any changes.

Marriage Debate: Keeping Or Taking Husband’s Last Name?

Changing your name after marriage is a big thought, so don’t worry if you want to spend more time thinking about it. There are several things to consider before changing the name.

Of course not. It is entirely your choice. The impact that the loss of a family name has on the individual must be considered. Like any law or decision, the process of changing your name after marriage is more emotional than anything else.

While some newlyweds look forward to taking their partner’s last name, others may wonder whether or not they should take their partner’s first name. It can also be emotional for partners to see their loved one struggling and confused as they make difficult decisions. It can also be very painful if your partner does not want to give their name. Many men in heterosexual relationships decide to change their names after marriage, so it’s worth considering each other’s feelings.

Remember, it’s not something you have to do right away. You can also wait until you talk about having children (if that’s what you want) so your whole family has the same name or you need new passports. There is no deadline to change your name and many people choose to keep their last name.

How To Change Your Name

When you sign the register after the ceremony, you should sign with your surname (also known as your ‘maiden name’, although this term does not apply to everyone) and not your married name. on the marriage certificate.

There are many reasons why a woman or man may feel that they have somehow lost their identity by changing their name. You may have built a strong and successful career with your last name, you may be an only child who doesn’t want to lose your family name, or you may simply have a strong identity that you fear will disappear.

Changing your name after marriage doesn’t take away all your freedoms or change who you are as a person, but it’s a huge decision and it’s normal to have these feelings.

How To Start Changing Your Last Name

Changing your name can be a big deal, so if you don’t want to change it, discuss it with your partner before the wedding. Communicate openly about the matter and understand that changing your name is not against them in any way, but that it is an important part of who you are, and this is the best course of action if you want to avoid arguments leading to your marriage Let me to explain it.

Changing Your Last Name After Marriage Can Be Hard

“The custom and practice of changing names has really evolved over the past decade, but at its most basic it’s based on personal choice,” Cecil said. “It’s important to do what’s right for you and the couple. It’s up to you to stick, twist, shuffle or twist.”

There is no practice for LGBTQ+ couples to change their names when they marry or enter into a cohabitation agreement. However, couples may still face the dilemma of changing their name. In fact, deciding which last name to share or whether to change your name entirely can be even more controversial since there is no legal contract.

Blending is also a popular option for LGBTQ+ couples, where the couple creates a new, usually hyphenated, name together. Title contracts also expand, with the option of adopting Mx or Ms after marriage or continuing to use an existing title.

Again, communication is key. Calmly discussing your options before the ceremony is the best way to find a compromise.

The Best Checklist For Changing Your Name After Your Wedding!

We’ll discuss this in more detail below, but the name change process is free for most people, and the government will also change your record for free.

If money is an issue (and it probably is, since you’re already paying for your wedding!), be aware that there may be some costs involved. For example, the Passport Office is currently the only government agency that charges a full fee for renewing a passport with a new name. It costs £82.50 if you do it online, or more if you choose a paper form or an express service.

Some insurance companies (especially low cost, online only) may charge an administrative fee to process your name change. Also note that not notifying the DVLA immediately of your name change can result in a fine of up to £1,000.

How To Start Changing Your Last Name

You should expect some delays in processing name change requests depending on the company, especially during peak periods. Currently, the DVLA and the British Passport Office advise that it will take around three weeks to complete a driving license name change or passport renewal.

How To Change Your Google Name

To avoid further delays, we recommend that you order multiple copies of your original marriage certificate (Cecile recommends 2-4 copies) so that you can apply for multiple name changes at the same time. Although not all government agencies require original documents, many such as the Passport Office, the DVLA and most financially regulated companies will require access to original documents.

Cecil says: “Vaccination records need to match the name on your passport for border control purposes, so it’s a good idea to keep your NHS records until you renew your passport. The same principle applies to travel insurance. the same applies.”

The marriage certificate allows you to take your spouse’s surname and vice versa. Double surnames also appear in any meaningful order, with or without a hyphen.

“If you want to create a new last name or add or remove a middle name, a deed ballot is required,” Cecil explained.

Hyphenating Your Last Name After Marriage: Pros And Cons

You should also tell your employer about any changes you make to your name and how they relate to your professional conduct. There may be changes to your email address, payment slip, etc., so it’s a good idea to let them know as soon as possible.

And if you don’t plan to change your name, it’s worth telling your colleagues to avoid the hassle of the wrong cards or gifts.

Before you enter the world of panic, stress and decision making, we have all the options for you.

How To Start Changing Your Last Name

This is the more traditional route taken by heterosexual couples, with the woman often taking the man’s surname. Although less common, some men choose it

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