Consumer Laws and Regulations in Nigeria

Consumer Laws and Regulations in Nigeria


Employment environment and consumer laws and regulation in Nigeria the business world is a confusing and oftentimes dangerous place this explains why business laws and regulation are made to protect business stakeholders without business laws and regulation consumers will be at the mercy of business owners employees will be at the mercy of employers and business owners will be at the mercy of their competitors and suppliers and the environment will be at the mercy of humans if you are running your own business or company it is important to know and understand some of the production provided by this laws and regulation in order to prevent any surprises or costly mistakes down the line this article will set out basic employment consumer and environmental laws and regulation in Nigeria employment the first principle of employment law is that no one should be held in slavery servitude or forced to perform force or compulsory labor slavery is when someone owns a person like a piece of property servitude is similar to slavery a virgin Mark live on another’s premises work for them being able to leave but they don’t own such person forced labor means getting a person to do a work that he or she is unwilling to do Under the threat of punishment or compulsion section 34.2 of the Nigerian concert Constitution allows force or compulsory labor in spatial circumstances.

Such as were accompanying National Authority prescribed compulsory service for citizen another important principle is that workers have the right to associate with others including the right to join trade unions business owners should note that membership of trade unions is voluntary even for public servants the implication is that workers need not be compelled to join any labor union or workers Association again their wishes letter of employment employers should ensure that they ensure letters of employment to their workers within three months from the date of commencement of employment the letter of employment should contain the following first the name of the employer and an undertaking where the employer is employed 2. the name and address of the employee three the date of Engagement for the nature of employment five if the contract is for a fixed term the date is expired 6 the period of notice for termination 7 the rates of wakes and method of calculation eight the manner and periodicity of payment of weeks nine terms and condition relating to hours of work holidays and holiday pay in capacity for work due to sickness or injury including any provision for sick pay and Etc.

The letter of employment must be signed by the employer or his accredited agent the implication of signature is that it finds the employer to the term exam he or she can show that he didn’t sign it it was signed without his authority or Worse still it was signed in error it is important to know that where there are no clear term in the letter of employment or whether term of employment isn’t in writing and the court cannot discern the true intention of the parties it may imply terms that are customary or part of Trade Practices or such terms that are imposed by stated or implied by code contract off service of contract for service and employment May either be in the form of a contract of service or a contract for service a contract of service is a long-standing employment with all the benefit of trainer a contract for service doesn’t make a person an employee where the contract is a contract of service it must be disengaged by giving the appropriate notice the notice to be issued shall be in this format by the provision of the law one one day where the contract has continued for three months or less two one week where the contract has continued for more than three months but lesser than two years three two weeks where they can track has continued for two years but less than five years for one month where the contract has continued for five years a contract full service can be dispensive with without a result to Prior notification or payment of salary in Leo it is also important that employers disengage their employees after complying with due process where they fail to follow the express term of the contract or where in the case of contract of service they fail to give the appropriate notice the code will hold the employee remain in their employment and may award damages against them it is also important that the letter of this measure doesn’t mention criminal misconduct or alleged that the employee has committed Grievous misconduct where such allegations are made the employee must be given a right to Fair hearing before the employee is secured or dismissed it is also important to bear in mind the requirement of occupation safety and social welfare and security the labor law imposes responsibility on employers to make sure their work environment including offices and factories satisfy safety standards some of this standards are based on the international labor organization convention.

ILO Nigeria is a signatory to the ILO convention and its many status this means that and it is a person in Nigeria ought to abide by their stipulation this stipulation include provision as to health and safety working time and overtime minimum wage and Etc it is important to know that some of this provision may not apply strictly although every employer of Labor whether a big or small business person should know them environmental laws with the increase in globalization and sustainability advocacy nation of the world are becoming more committed to the collective governance of the environment as a result business owners particularly those involved in manufacturing and other industrial activities that can impact on the environment will be required to pay spatial attention to environmental regulation in the course of their operations two categories of environmental regulation include domestic loss and international treaties and conventions domestic laws include regulation enacted by national and municipal authorities while International laws are laws rules or regulation that govern the relationship between nation states they are further subdivided into hard and soft loss heart lows are legally binding either because Nations have signed up to them or they have become customary soft laws are not so binding some basic domestic laws on environmental regulation in Nigeria are the National Environmental standard regulation and enforcement agency establishment Act 2007.

aAnd the 33 regulations made by the minister of environment under Section 34 of the act the environmental impact Assessment Act this law set out the general principles procedures and methods of environmental impact assessment in various sectors the harmful ways this law prohibits the carrying depositing and dumping of harmful waste on land and in territorial Waters the National Environmental standard regulation and enforcement agency the major federal body responsible for protecting Nigeria environment is responsible for enforcing all environmental laws regulation guidelines and standards.

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